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My Upcoming Novel

My novel needs a title! I'm open to suggestions.

Please read the brief story synopsis below.

Chapter One can be read at the link up top. 


Send your suggested title by completing the contact box at the Contact link above, or 

post it to my Facebook page, or Tweet me. Please include link to this site. Thank you!




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I was a girl, who ran like a boy, shameless and unafraid ...

In 1765, on the frontier borderlands of colonial New York, twelve-year-old Annabel Cameron is fascinated by fourteen-year-old Ernie, the son of Ury Snell, a villainous landjobber and rum seller to the Mohawks. Her bid to befriend the moody boy gets off to a bumpy start and when a brutal attack in the woods leaves Ernie brain-damaged and docile, she leaps at the chance to insinuate herself as his companion. In the process, she falls in with the unscrupulous dealings of his father, putting herself on a thorny path of no return.


In deep by the age of fifteen, her life becomes dangerously complicated by the appearance of young Taran Mackay, a King's Indian agent charged with protecting Native interests. He takes on Annabel's case, to her dismay, and she begins to walk a perilous tightrope between the interests competing for the continent. 


Follow headstrong Annabel as she chases fate, fortune and misfortune on her freedom-seeking journey through the American wilderness.  

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